Below you find the bugs that have been implemented sorted by deployment moment. The deployment moment is when the Virtual Open Day got updated and the fixes are implemented on the live environment here:

  • implementation of remaining pop-ups (see September 6th)
  • implementation of UTM codes for pop-up links to UM website + intext links
  • implementation of pop-up for all English program stations
  • problems with brochure app: brochures are not sent out; temporary solution for this: temporarily disabled the encryption (Gravity Forms Encrypted Fields) of the brochure form and filed a support request with the developer to get the matter resolved
    • UPDATE: option in the plugin that allows a brief delay before data is encrypted. This is enough for the brochure app to do its job. This matter is now resolved altogether.
  • some design issues with the ‘old’ popup which still exists for other programs have been fixed and have also been deployed
  • The station ‘Classroom experience’ is added to the preference form and menu
  • Plugin updates
  • Ability to duplicate posts for A/B testing of stations
  • Contigency fixes for the Brochure App for smaller screens. You can now scroll inside the modal in those cases
  • Front page from A/B testing is now the permanent front page
  • Brochure/Call Me forms styling has been updated.
  • Brochure Plugin: Texts for the Call Me form are now similarly editable as they are for other functionalities in the VOD and accessible through UM Brochure App Settings
  • Fixed screen overflow issues for forms on Mobile
  • Explicit Consent checkboxes added.
  • Gravity Forms encryption is now fully operational for both the Brochure Request and the Call Me forms.
  • Plugin updates for Events Calendar, Yoast SEO and others.
  • WF Cookie Consent updated (fixes reported vulnerability)

• Elementor Update

  • Events: only upcoming events are now shown (none from the past) 
  • Brochures Popup: Live for regular users as well 
  • Brochure Popup: Popup now also has an animation effect on desktop: it appears after scrolling down for a bit. 
  • Fixed Congratulations station thumbnail in preferences form. 
  • Events Calendar Software updated + Extremely minor elementor update
  • Brochure App fix – the Business and Economics station was accidentally linked with the master brochure rather than the bachelor brochure. All other links have been reviewed as well.

• Update of plugins
• Setup Visual Composer license
• Testing of Plugins

• Reduce size of video titles on mobile
• Fixes to UM Logo to insure valid HTML
• Plugin updates
• Unnecessary plugins removed
• Added Yoast SEO + ACF content analysis for social links.
• Change right hand menu (Program -> Programme)
• Content pushed down on mobile to avoid conflict with menu
• Fixed left hand menu in preferences + know yourself
• Front Page: Build/Continue journey button pushed higher to avoid potential conflict with subtitles.
• Front Page: UM Logo updated.

• Fixed undefined variable for right hand menu
• Menu can now be collapsed using ‘View Journey’ button.
• Fixed End of Journey buttons
• Introduced logo on front page (needs final version)
• Reduced Opacity on mobile for overlays.
• Fixed background image on End of Journey Page.
• Reduced padding on mobile in between sections

• Journey menu now opens upon visiting starting station (and it hasn’t been completed)
• Journey menu : “My Journey” no longer visible unless menu is open
• End of Journey Page : Ability to add background image added.
• Right Aligned Box gets pushed to the bottom, but only if the section has been set to full height.
• Content Box: Ability to set section to full height added.
• Content Box width is now variable with three options.
• Content Box can be aligned left, center or right as desired.
• Content inside content box (inception, I know) is now also variable and can be set accordingly (do we need to be able to align content as well?).
• Ability to set an image for mobile. If set, the image is shown above the content and the background image gets hidden.

• Solved HTTPS scaling issues.
• BBW issues resolved.
• Basic layout for Know Yourself Page – further tweaking is required.
• Fixed conflict between one-third/two-third and two-third/one-third layout.
• Journey menu now available for mobile users.
• Catalog now ‘usable’ for mobile. Further tweaks may be considered.
• Started on Maps. Not ready for use just yet (Needs to be discussed tomorrow)
Custom fields now utilize version control.

  • Plugin updates.

• WordPress core updated to 4.9.1
• Plugins Updated as well (except Visual Composer)
• Left hand menu now works on mobile too.
• Size of header has been reduce on mobile.
• Preferences form tweaked for mobile – Specific fields for the mobile version are now available.
• Font weights on preferences page adjusted.
• New layout option – Right aligned box, with option to set a white background.
• New layouy option – Content box. This a full height section (with an option to set a dotted line) with an area inside of to apply the gradient to.
• Sections are no longer full height by default. This does not apply to videos and walkin tours. If you want a section to be full height, there’s a checkbox now to do so.

• User Progress properly functioning technically. Works properly when clicking buttons at the bottom of stations, will also be incorporated into the menus tomorrow.
• User Progress counter in place in right hand menu and operational.
• User Progress indicator (Dotted line + Arrow) in right menu points to next incompleted station.
• Cookies expiration time increased to 12 hours.
• Image overlay for videos to enable continuation of dotted pattern on top of a video (Modern browsers, IE11+ only)
• Second featured image field introduced (not yet operational)
• Various CSS tweaks, including
   • Catalogue menu brought further in line with styling.
   • Height of featured images adjusted.
   • Box shadows consistently deployed across preferences and right hand menu.

After Zuiderlicht presented their update (here) the approval process took place. We are now implementing the VOD in accordance with it.


• Front page now redirects to old preferences form. This will be replaced of course, but it’s more representative than the old sign up form.
• Page overflow issue for the menus fixed.
• Various CSS tweaks to Catalogue, as well as menus.
• Fixed bug where stations added were added at the start of the journey, they are now added at the end.
• Ability to remove stations directly from the menu. This only works for logged in users for now, this will also work later today for non-logged in users later today.

• Tracking for Intercom has been added.
• Addition of ScrollOverflow Library (FullPageJS) for smoother scrolling.
• Revision history for Programs and Experience stations is now enabled.
• CSS tweaks (more to be rolled out this week)

• Incorporation of Intercom chat functionality
• Incorporation of Usabilla for feedback
• First responsiveness tweaks (very much still a work in progress)
• Minor overhaul of the blog post template.

• Footer removed from front page
• Registration pages are now blue for full height. Some further tweaks required in this area still.
• Registration and Preferences forms have been brought in line with each other style wise. I think there still needs to be some discussion on how this can be improved further.
• Preferences form has now all experience stations included. Should generate journeys without issue.
• Errors in the preferences form are now readable.
• Gravity Forms CSS has been cleaned up, all CSS is now in a single file.
• New Cookie consent plugin (WF Cookie Consent). This plugin does not create conflicts like the previous one.
• Users who add stations to their journey will now be redirected to that station immediately.
• Settings forms are accessible for users again. They are able to change their personal information and password. Still some room for improvement here.
• Deleting an account is possible again: Note: for safety reasons this only works for regular users and not for admins or editors.

• minor code cleanups
• fixing of logic in preference forms

• UM Logo on the upper left corner
• Implement scrollable sign up process (pertinent on the selected interest panels)
• When a user clicks on the “Home” button and then on “Continue journey” he is redirected to the station he “came” from
• Fix readability of header type fonts by applying new style class

• Fix incorrectly linked stations to the correct custom post types
• Adjust catalogue mobile view to resemble My Route mobile view on IOS phone
• Adjusting the “Know yourself” station in both the Catalogue and the My Route menu to resemble the other stations in style/typeface/size and color

• Fix space in the Welcome Station between “me” and “introduce”
• Add information to “Preference Slider” int eh Sign Up section


• First version online
• Feature improvements and monthly Hackathons with faculty recruiters

Upcoming Feature Wishlist)

  • Landing page per faculty
  • A/B test for frontpage
  • Brochure download pop-up
  • Monthly sprint with faculty recruiters
  • Implement interactive elements (Online PBL sneak preview or Assessment test, fun quiz – finde deinen Lernstiel)
  • Live chat functionality to be discussed in the next Hackathon

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