UM Live – Evaluation Thanks for checking out our UM Live event! We would like to hear what you thought of the event and how we could improve it. What motivated you to sign up for our Live event? Interest in Maastricht Interest in one of the study programs Just checking in On a scale from 1 (Bad) to 10 (Excellent), how would you rate your UM Live experience?10 - Excellent9 - Great8 - Very Good7 - Good6 - Satisfactory5 - Could be better4 - Not good3 - Bad2 - Very Bad1 - TerribleWas it easy for you to find the live stream? Yes No What did you like best about the UM Live event?How can we improve the experience for you?What topics do you want us to cover in one of our upcoming shows?How did you find out about the UM Live event? Maastricht University Facebook Page Maastricht University Website Through a friend Through my school Newsletter I would like to subscribe to the Maastricht University Newsletter Name Email LanguageEnglishDutchStarting Year20212022