• Footer removed from front page
• Registration pages are now blue for full height. Some further tweaks required in this area still.
• Registration and Preferences forms have been brought in line with each other style wise. I think there still needs to be some discussion on how this can be improved further.
• Preferences form has now all experience stations included. Should generate journeys without issue.
• Errors in the preferences form are now readable.
• Gravity Forms CSS has been cleaned up, all CSS is now in a single file.
• New Cookie consent plugin (WF Cookie Consent). This plugin does not create conflicts like the previous one.
• Users who add stations to their journey will now be redirected to that station immediately.
• Settings forms are accessible for users again. They are able to change their personal information and password. Still some room for improvement here.
• Deleting an account is possible again: Note: for safety reasons this only works for regular users and not for admins or editors.